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Where History Lives and Adventure Awaits.
Jump on your mountain bike and ride Skunk Harbor, Lake Tahoe
Take in Nevada history at the Capitol Building and Battle Born Hall
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Bring the clubs and take a round at Silver Oak Golf Course
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Traveling or even exploring locally can be challenging right now. Click below for a summary of all you want to know if traveling to Carson City soon. You'll find what is open, unique hours of businesses, events that are happening, and our commitment to our locals and visitors.

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Times are weird, right? We wholeheartedly understand those mixed feelings of wanting to get out of your house but still wanting to avoid groups of people. Here’s our list of all the activities you can enjoy outdoors that make it easy to social distance and stay safe this summer.

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Carson City



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Family Friendly

Carson City offers many family friendly attractions, as well as child-friendly events throughout the year, making it a great spot for a family getaway.


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The Centerpoint of


In the heart of the action, Carson City is nestled just minutes from world famous Lake Tahoe, electrifying Reno, historic Virginia City and the majestic Sierra Nevada mountain range.

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An array of outdoor adventures, fine restaurants, golf courses, historical attractions, museums, gaming opportunities and a plethora of events and entertainment.

Lake Tahoe

Surrounded by the Sierra Nevada Mountains, this emerald beauty boasts miles of sandy beaches and is the perfect location for summer and winter sports. Lake Tahoe offers many world-class ski resorts, gaming opportunities and an abundance of year-round, outdoor activities.

Carson Valley

Carson Valley is made up of four communities: Gardnerville, Genoa, Minden and Topaz Lake, showcasing the Great American West. History lovers will enjoy visiting Genoa, considered the oldest permanent settlement in Nevada (established in 1851), and is home to the oldest drinking parlor in the state.


Historic Virginia City offers a unique look into the past. Ride the V&T Railroad along the same routes travelers took more than 100 years ago to explore mansions, mines, museums, Old West-style saloons and live entertainment.


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Fallon has a quaint downtown, blending historic buildings, charming boutiques, and to-be-discovered culinary jewels, but you can get your heart pumping riding their dirt track, raceway, or soaring over the sand dunes.

Navigate like a nevadan

Watch as Mark Estee, local restauranteur, shares his love for the region and why he opened two restaurants here in Carson City.





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